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11 avril 2013 4 11 /04 /avril /2013 09:28



Depuis le début de l'année, les tigres en Russie n'ont causé la mort d'aucun être humain, contrairement aux castors en Biélorussie. Depuis dix ans, dans les deux pays, les attaques de castors ont été plus nombreuses que celles des tigres.

Source : Moscow Times, ce jour.


A fisherman has died after being bitten by an aggressive beaver in Belarus.

The unidentified resident of the city of Brest spotted the beaver walking on the side of the road while driving with two friends on a fishing trip at Lake Shestakov on Wednesday, the Brestsky Courier newspaper reported.

The man stopped the car and approached the beaver to take a photograph, but the animal suddenly pounced on him, biting him in the thigh. His friends tried to bandage the wound and called for an ambulance. But the bite hit a main artery, and the man bled to death before the ambulance arrived.

The beaver attack was not the first. In 2003, dairy cattle breeders in Belarus told of a large beaver attacking a farm manager who tried to shoo it out of a barn. A female farmhand rushed to help him, but they both were bitten by the animal, which they said appeared to be inflected with rabies. Both survived.

Earlier this week a video was posted on YouTube showing a recent beaver scare in the Tver region northwest of Moscow. The author, Alexander Targon, said he dropped his camera and lost a shoe as he fled a beaver that darted toward him as he filmed it.

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11 avril 2013 4 11 /04 /avril /2013 04:14

Le recensement effectué de décembre 2012 à mars  2013 indique une stabilité d'ensemble pour les tigres russes (environ 450). On observe un "déclin" dans certaines zones, une "augmentation" dans d'autres. Ces premiers résultats seront affinés et approfondis à l'issue d'un prochain recensement (hiver 2013 - 2014). Source : Site du Président de Russie, il y a deux jours.


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27 mars 2013 3 27 /03 /mars /2013 05:10


A wild Siberian tiger from Russia has finished his brief vacation in Northeastern China and returned home, according to local forestry authorities.

The tiger first crossed the Wusuli River, or Ussuri River which borders China and Russia on March 8, according to Russian authorities who sought help from China to find the animal after losing contact with its GPS collar.

The Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang province organized a 50-member search team and was able to track the tiger while issuing warnings to adjacent villages.

After more than ten days of tracking the big cat, the bureau said on Tuesday that the tiger had returned to Russia.

"We followed it to the side of the (Wusuli) river where its paw prints were pretty clear," said Yang Lijuan, an official with the bureau. "So we sort of saw it off to Russia," She added.

It is rare for wild Siberian tigers, one of the world's top 10 endangered species and are primarily inhabiting the Sikhote Alin mountain region in Russia, to cross the country's border, especially in recent years, said experts.

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18 mars 2013 1 18 /03 /mars /2013 08:27


Avec de telles proies potentielles, les tigres peuvent retrouver leur volume d'antan, comparable à celui d'un lion américain du Pleistocène supérieur, en quelques générations. Et la question d'une réintroduction de lions en Amérique septentrionale devrait se poser dans quelques décennies.

By The Siberian Times reporter
17 March 2013

It sounds like a real-life Jurassic Park, but the woolly mammoth could be stomping the Siberian taiga in less than 20 years.

Walking Siberia again? Sculptures of wolly mammoths in Khanty Mansiysk, Siberia. Picture: The Siberian Times 


So says Hendrik Poinar, an associate professor at McMaster University in Canada, who claims that the creatures will be genetically similar if not identical to the extinct species. Harvard University geneticist George Church agreed, rejecting theories that the mammoth died out too long ago to extract useable DNA from remains found in the permafrost. 

It should be possible to build up an exact picture of the mammoth genome by analysing the DNA in Siberian burial grounds, which can then be used as a template to edit and rewrite the genome of the closely-related Asian elephant until it matches the mammoth, he said. 

'A mammoth in the permafrost will have something like half its DNA intact', said Poinar forecasting a wait of as little as decade or two to see the re-birth of a species that became extinct  some 4,000 years ago on Wrangel Island, between the East Siberian and Chukchi seas.

Elsewhere the creatures died out earlier. 

'In fact, the mammoth genome is almost fully complete', said Poinar. 

'We can actually pull out and rejig all these small mammoth fragments and match them against the genome of an Asian or African elephant chromosome and find all the little points of difference.

'So that means we can take Asian elephant chromosomes, modify them to match that of a mammoth and then create an embryo by inseminating an Asian elephant egg. It would be long and arduous but eventually we would have something that looked like a mammoth. It would not be an exact replica but it would look and feel much like a woolly mammoth did'.

Yuka wolly mammoth Siberia

Scientists working with the remains of Yuka, woolly mammoth, found in Yakutian permafrost in 2012. Picture: Gennady Boeskorov


He predicted the most likely habitats for the re-born mammoths would be in north-eastern Russia and northern Canada.

'There are swathes of habitat in Siberia and the Yukon that could actually house a mammoth', he told the Sunday Times in the UK.  

But he also raised a questions that scientists - and governments - must face as laboratories gains the knowledge to bring extinct species back to life: should we?

'There is a part of the boy in me which would love to see these majestic creatures walk across the permafrost in the north once again, but I do have to admit that part of the adult in me does wonder whether or not we should,' he said. 

Currently, South Korean scientists working with Russian partners are believed to be in the lead in bringing assisting the woolly mammoth back to life.

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15 mars 2013 5 15 /03 /mars /2013 08:53


En 2007, les résultats du recensement livraient une estimation de 27 à 34 léopards, tous âges et sexes confondus. Aujourd'hui, il s'agit de 43 à 45 adultes, et de 4 à 5 chatons. Sur le plan écologique, les léopards se sont à nouveau installés dans des milieux écologiques qu'ils n'habitaient plus depuis le siècle dernier. Sur le plan géographique, ils ont étendu leur distribution à la fois vers le Nord et vers le Sud (frontières chinoise et coréenne qu'ils n'avaient même pas approché depuis au moins des décennies). La pérennisation des couloirs frontaliers russo - sino - coréen gagne encore en importance : à terme, ces corridors intelligemment gérés crééront une dynamique pouvant concerner 20 à 30 tigres et 70 à 100 léopards de l'Amour, ce qui éloigneraient plus encore ces derniers, et pour longtemps, du risque d'extinction.

La nouvelle a fait sensation lors de la conférence de presse donnée conjointement par les Autorités de TransBaïkalie et le WWF Russie (Secteur de l'Amour), ce jour à Vladivostok.

foto-valerii-maleev fgbu-zemlya-leoparda.mnews


Voir aussi les articles, avec la nouvelle carte de distribution, sur le site du Siberian Times de ce jour.


et sur le site du Président de Russie, page publiée ce jour.


inside map of 2013 accounting


Une bonne nouvelle arrivant rarement seule, les entreprises d'exploitation de bois de TransBaïkalie se sont retirées des plans de coupe de pins de Corée sur le Lac Baïkal comme en extrême orient (WWF Russie, hier).

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4 mars 2013 1 04 /03 /mars /2013 08:51

Suite aux articles des 30 octobre et 25 janvier dernier.

Le Président Poutine a présenté samedi 2 Mars à la Douma la loi sur les espèces rares en préparation depuis l'automne dernier, qui place de fait, la biodiversité de l'Orient russe parmi les ressources stratégiques du pays.

Voir site présidentiel



Draft law on tightening criminal responsibility for catching and trading of wild animals from Russia’s Red Data Book

 Vladimir Putin submitted to the State Duma draft Federal Law On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

 The draft law is designed to increase criminal responsibility for catching and trading, including keeping, transporting and selling of wild animals, including Siberian tigers, leopards, and other rare and endangered species. It also applies to illegal harvesting (catching) of aquatic biological resources listed in the Russian Federation’s Red Data Book or those protected by Russia’s international treaties. The draft law provides that the above will be considered exclusively as criminal offences. It proposes that relevant amendments be made to Russia’s Criminal Code.

The amendments also establish criminal liability for smuggling valuable wildlife and aquatic biological resources, as well as their parts and derivatives, across the customs border of the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), as well as across Russia’s state border with Customs Union member states within the EurAsEC.

The draft law also suggests making several amendments to Russia’s Code of Administrative Offences.


Voir aussi l'article détaillé sur le site du WWF Russie, ce jour.


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26 février 2013 2 26 /02 /février /2013 06:40

Un rapport de 32 pages, à la fois très instructif et très riche de documents photographiques, réalisé sous l'égide  de l'Environmental Intelligence Agency et publié ce jour sur le site de l'Agence, met en lumière la stimulation du trafic tous azimuts de produits issus du tigre par les Chinois DEPUIS DEUX DECENNIES, en dépit de l'embargo international de 1993 officiellement respecté par ce pays.


Voir aussi, ci-dessous, l'article de Mongabay.com, suivi  des deux articles du Bangkok Post de ce jour : un commentaire général et la réponse chinoise.

Voir aussi l'article de ce jour de l'Hindustan Times sur la légalisation par la Chine de la vente de vin de tigre - conçu à partir de poudre d'os -, notamment (mais pas seulement) dans ses 200 "fermes" et celui du China Daily sur la légalisation du commerce des peaux et parties du corps du tigre.

Nous attendons un rapport d'une qualité comparable sur le phénomène aux USA... (voir article blog "Tigres américains : les années décisives" du 27 janvier).

Chinese government creating secret demand for tiger trade alleges NGO (warning: graphic images)

Jeremy Hance
February 26, 2013

Tiger bodies in freezer in Guilin Tiger Bear Farm. Photo by: Belinda Wright/WPSI.
Tiger bodies in freezer in Guilin Tiger Bear Farm. Photo by: Belinda Wright/WPSI.

The number of tigers being captive bred in China for consumption exceed those surviving in the wild—across 13 countries—by over a third, according to a new report by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA). The report, Hidden in Plain Sight, alleges that while the Chinese government has been taking a tough stance on tiger conservation abroad, at home it has been secretly creating demand for the internationally-banned trade. Few animals in the world have garnered as much conservation attention at the tiger (Panthera tigirs), including an international summit in 2010 that raised hundreds of millions of dollars for the vanishing wild cats.

"The stark contradiction between China's international posture supporting efforts to save the wild tiger and its inward-facing domestic policies which stimulate demand and ultimately drive the poaching of wild tigers represents one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated in the history of tiger conservation," says Debbie Banks, head of the EIA's Tiger Campaign.

In 1993, China banned the use of tiger bone, a popular item in traditional Chinese medicine. However, undercover investigations by EIA found that "tiger bones sourced from captive-bred tigers are not being destroyed, leading to what is likely to be a massive stockpile and consumer assumptions that trade is legal or will soon be legal."

Traditional Chinese 'bone strengthening wine.' Note the tiger shaped bottle. Photo by: EIA.
Traditional Chinese 'bone strengthening wine.' Note the tiger shaped bottle. Photo by: EIA.
However wine made from tiger bones is still being produced and sold in China, and the EIA says that government has even encouraged it through a "secret" notification issued to traders in 2005. Under the notification any tiger farm housing over 500 tigers could produce and sell tiger bone wine; in order to circumvent the 1993 law, tiger bone is simply not listed as an ingredient.

"If you get some special permission, you can sell the tiger bones to assigned medicine-making factories and the products will be directly circulated in hospitals," a trader told the EIA.

Traditional medicine is not the only threat to tigers in China. The EIA reports that tiger skins are being sold commercially and in many cases illegally. While the legal tiger skin trade is meant to be strictly regulated in China, the EIA says the system is "flawed" and provides "a cover for black market activities, including the re-use of permits and falsification of origins," according to the report. The NGO alleges that China's cat skin trade is fueling consumption not just of captive cats, but the poaching of wild ones as well.

"During just several days, EIA investigators were offered three fresh tiger skins, one leopard skin, one snow leopard skin and big cat bones, teeth and claws," the report reads. In 2011 the environmental NGO warned nations that China had re-opened trade in wild cats skins.

Distributing agent, Beilan, claims in this marketing power point presentation available online, that they supply Sanhong's 'Real Tiger Wine' to high ranking officials and private members clubs. Photo by: EIA.
Distributing agent, Beilan, claims in this marketing power point presentation available online, that they supply Sanhong's 'Real Tiger Wine' to high ranking officials and private members clubs. Photo by: EIA.
The EIA argues that China's policies are actively stimulating demand for tiger parts, undermining global efforts to double tiger populations by 2022. Tigers are currently listed as Endangered by the IUCN Red List; experts say only around 3,500 tigers survive in the wild as opposed to some 5,000 in China's 200 tiger farms. One hundred thousand tigers were thought to roam the world in 1900, meaning the population has declined a stunning 96.5 percent in just over a century. While poaching and the tiger trade has helped decimate the big cats, they have also declined due to habitat loss and prey decline.

Banks says China must "vigorously address and terminate this intolerable disconnect between words and deeds which so undermines international efforts to save the tiger."

The EIA calls on China to change its laws to protect tigers, destroy all stockpiles of tiger parts, and let traders know that "the objective is to end all demand and trade."

Banks adds that it's not just foreigners who are calling for these changes, but many Chinese as well.

"A Chinese civil society movement has already appealed for changes to China's wildlife protection laws, and Representatives of the National People's Congress have submitted several proposals in recently years to amend laws and regulations [...] and to end the commercial utilization of species such as bears and tigers," she notes.

Captive tigers in the Xiongsen Bear Tiger Village. Photo by: EIA.
Captive tigers in the Xiongsen Bear Tiger Village. Photo by: EIA.

Tiger skin rug at Xiafeng Taxidermy. Photo by: EIA.
Tiger skin rug at Xiafeng Taxidermy. Photo by: EIA.

Frozen tiger head at Xiafeng Taxidermy. Photo by: EIA.
Frozen tiger head at Xiafeng Taxidermy. Photo by: EIA.
Read more at http://news.mongabay.com/2013/0226-hance-tiger-trade-china.html#AF1KT8C5fiubiPdR.99


Bangkok Post 1. China is allowing the sale of captive-bred tiger skins and body parts despite signing up to a UN agreement which calls for such trade to be banned, a London-based environmental lobby group claimed on Tuesday.

Siberian tigers in a zoo in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu province, February 19, 2013. China is allowing the sale of captive-bred tiger skins and body parts despite signing up to a UN agreement which calls for such trade to be banned, a London-based environmental lobby group has claimed.

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) says that its investigation has uncovered evidence of a legalised domestic trade in captive-bred tiger products -- sold as luxury home decor -- which it claims stimulates the poaching of wild cats.

The report also presented evidence that suggests traders are using 'secret' government notifications to legitimise the manufacture of 'tonic' wines made using captive-bred tiger bones, contravening a 1993 Chinese State Council order.

China is signed up to the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) which forbids international commercial trade in tiger parts and derivatives.

The accord also calls for domestic trade prohibitions, the consolidation and destruction of stockpiles of tiger parts and products and assurances that tigers are not bred for trade in their parts and derivatives.

Debbie Banks, Head of EIA's Tiger Campaign, said: "The stark contradiction between China's international posture supporting efforts to save the wild tiger and its inward-facing domestic policies which stimulate demand and ultimately drive the poaching of wild tigers represents one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated in the history of tiger conservation.

"Pro-tiger trade policies are championed by only a handful of officials in a couple of Government departments and it behoves China to vigorously address and terminate this intolerable disconnect between words and deeds which so undermines international efforts to save the tiger."

There are around 5,000 captive tigers in China, 1,500 more than in the wild, according to EIA figures.

"The international community should show support for this national movement calling for an end to policies which stimulate demand, and China must make good on its pledges to the international community and stop cynically stimulating and aiding a trade it has vowed to end," added Banks.


Bangkok Post 2.

China defended its record on protecting endangered species Tuesday after an environmental group accused it of allowing the sale of captive-bred tiger skins and body parts.

Two Siberian tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) at a zoo in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu province last week. China defended its record on protecting endangered species Tuesday after an environmental group accused it of allowing the sale of captive-bred tiger skins and body parts.

The London-based NGO The Environmental Investigation Agency said in a report Tuesday that China had a legalised domestic trade in captive-bred tiger products which stimulated the poaching of wild cats.

In Beijing a foreign ministry spokeswoman insisted China had enacted laws and taken other steps to protect endangered species.

"The Chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of endangered wildlife, including tigers," Hua Chunying told a news conference.

The Ministry of Public Security, which is responsible for law enforcement, was not immediately available to comment on the report.

The EIA presented evidence that suggests traders are using "secret" government notifications to legitimise the manufacture of "tonic" wines made using captive-bred tiger bones, contravening a 1993 Chinese State Council order.

China is a signatory to the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) which forbids international commercial trade in tiger parts and derivatives.

The accord also calls for domestic trade prohibitions, the consolidation and destruction of stockpiles of tiger parts and products and assurances that tigers are not bred for trade in their parts and derivatives.

Debbie Banks, the head of EIA's Tiger Campaign, said: "The stark contradiction between China's international posture supporting efforts to save the wild tiger and its inward-facing domestic policies which stimulate demand and ultimately drive the poaching of wild tigers represents one of the biggest cons ever perpetrated in the history of tiger conservation.

"Pro-tiger trade policies are championed by only a handful of officials in a couple of government departments and it behooves China to vigorously address and terminate this intolerable disconnect between words and deeds which so undermines international efforts to save the tiger."

There are around 5,000 captive tigers in China, 1,500 more than in the wild, according to EIA figures.

"The international community should show support for this national movement calling for an end to policies which stimulate demand, and China must make good on its pledges to the international community and stop cynically stimulating and aiding a trade it has vowed to end," added Banks.


Hindustan Times : vin de tigre. China has officially allowed dose of tiger body parts - traditionally part of Chinese medicines - through an intoxicant - wine.

Selling of Chinese medicines derived from tiger bones has been banned there but not the "tiger tonic wine". The basic wine is made through traditional method but a tinge of tiger bone, before bottling, has turned out to be its unique selling point. A bottle costs anything between $100 to $800 depending for how tiger bone was in contact with wine.

An investigation by London based non-governmental group, Environment Investigation Agency (EIA) released on Tuesday, has found that tiger bones are soaked in wine and then removed, thereby not leaving any trace of it in the wine. Therefore, the company selling the wine is not entitled to list the tiger body part as one of the ingredients.

This is the catch.

When it comes to selling, mostly at country's 200 tiger farms, where captive bred tiger are kept for tourists, the tiger link proves to the delicacy.

"A government notification allows use of the bones of the captive-bred tigers to justify the manufacture of 'tonic' wines so no action can be taken against manufacturers," said Debbie Banks, head of EIA Tiger Campaign.

China, however, insisted that it has enacted laws and taken other steps to protect the wild cat. PTI quoted Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying to say that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of endangered wildlife, including tigers.

These tiger farms have around 5,000 tigers - highest population of captive bred tigers in the world - and a stockpile of body parts of many dead big-cats, which are regularly audited by the authorities. "These bones are kept back in the stockpile at the time of auditing," Banks said.

China's illegal big cat body part industry is considered biggest incentive for poachers, especially in tiger's biggest home in wild, India, to kill the endangered species for a price ranging between Rs. 10 to Rs. 15 lakh per animal.

Around 60 % of 89 tiger deaths reported from 41 tiger reserves in India in 2012 were poaching related. Many believe that actual poaching could be higher because many a time poachers don't leave trace of the hunted animal behind for the killing to be reported.

Banks believes that the Chinese government's policy for promoting use of tiger skins as home décor and wine was stimulating poaching of wild tigers and other big cats in South Asia. The civil society group wants the Chinese government to destroy the stockpile of tiger body parts to effectively check the illegal wildlife trade.

India and United Kingdom has been seeking a ban on tiger farms in China, which the Communist government has refused to accept saying there was no evidence to link tiger farms with increase in demand for big cat body parts.


China Daily. 26 february. China authorizes the sale of skins and parts of body of tigers raised in captivity in spite of an UN Resolution which it ratified and calling to forbid this type of trade, declared on Tuesday the Agency of investigation for the environment ( AIE) based in London.
THE AIE asserted having discovered a legal business of products stemming from tigers bred in captivity, intended for the luxury decoration, which, according to her, is going to encourage the poaching of wild big cats.
The association also noticed that traders use a parallel regulations of the government to legalize "toning" wines elaborated from ossement of tigers bred in captivity, in breach with a decree of the Chinese Council of State of 1993.
China signed the international Convention on endangered species (CITIES)((ESTATES)) which forbids the international trade of products or its by-products, stemming from tigers.

  Et pendant ce temps, un nouveau cas d'électrocution est répertorié en Inde (Hindustan Times, ce jour).

Yet another tiger was electrocuted and killed in the forests of Katni district during the intervening night of Sunday and Monday. This is the fourth incident of tiger death by electrocution since November. In all the previous cases, death occurred because of electrocution. Three out of the four cases since November have taken place in Katni district. In all, 14 tigers have died in Madhya Pradesh since January, 2012. Besides, police in Seoni seized skins of two tigers in September, 2012.

Chief wildlife warden PK Shukla told HT that one person has been arrested in the matter but details would be available only on Tuesday as officials are still camping in the area.

Sources said that on Monday morning, villagers informed the forest department staff that a tiger was lying dead near Machmacha village in Barhi directed and co-produced by Ben Affleck I want to thank our friends in Iran living in terrible circumstances right now.

I want to thank my wife, who I don’t normally associate with Iran.” forest range of Katni district. Forest department staff reached the spot and found the dead tiger.

The electrocuted tiger was identified as male and its age was about four years.

The spot where the tiger was killed is about 40 kms from Tala - the headquarters of Bandhavgarh tiger reserve.

Sources said that poachers had laid a trap using electrical wires to kill wild animals. However, a tiger seemed to have walked into the trap and got killed. The poachers fled from the spot on seeing the dead tiger.

All parts of the tiger’s body that can be sold were found intact. A team of veterinarians reached the spot and conducted a post- mortem examination. It confirmed death because of electrocution.

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20 février 2013 3 20 /02 /février /2013 04:46

Suite des articles des 3, 6 et 12 décembre 2012 et du 10 janvier 2013.

Les spécialistes de terrain comme Viktor Yudin et des membres de l'Inspection tigre, ainsi que des représentants de l'Institut Severstsov démontrent que les orphelins peuvent réapprendre à vivre à l'état sauvage.

Source : Site Présidentiel, hier.


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17 février 2013 7 17 /02 /février /2013 09:43


Cet article fait suite à "Sous la forêt, un royaume" du 12 juin 2012.


REPTATION / PEREGRINATION DE LA RUS'. DANS LES PAS DU TIGRE EURO - SIBERIEN. L'histoire de la Russie s'architecture à partir de la confrontation catalytique d'entités politico - géographiques, les apanages, à la racine de laquelle on retrouve l'éternelle dialectique sédentaire / nomade // domestique / sauvage. Cette dialectique se retrouve peu ou prou dans toutes les sociétés officiellement sédentaires, au sein même des représentations des différentes classes sociales. Kiev (et son Simargl auxiliaire) triomphe de Tchernigov (et de son tigre partenaire) au VIIIème siècle.

Vladimir l'emporte sur Kiev au XIème siècle, et célèbre sa victoire à travers l'anneau d'or. A l'abri de la Pax Mongolica ( à partir du XIIIème siècle), Moscou prend son essor, puis, beaucoup plus tard, l'emporte à la fois sur Tver et Novgorod (vécu comme un succès de politique étrangère dans le second cas, eu égard aux liens entre Novgorod et la ligue Hanséatique), et bâtit l'église Basile le Bienheureux... A cette époque, la Moscovie est confrontée au plus vaste complexe étatique européen de l'Histoire avant l'Union Européenne : le Royaume des deux Nations, réalisé par l'Union de Lublin entre Pologne et Lituanie en 1569 : d'une superficie d'environ 900 000km2, il englobe la totalité des territoires de l'ancienne Rus' de Kiev. Au début du 17ème siècle, il menacera l'existence même de la Moscovie (en 1610, celle - ci aura un tsar polonais) comme avaient failli le faire les chevaliers teutoniques au XIIIème siècle, après avoir annihilé les slaves occidentaux au XIIème... De facto, il s'agit encore de l'opposition entre deux apanages, de très vastes dimensions. Le basculement du Monde vers l'Europe occidentale ramène le pôle directeur russe à l'ouest, sur le golfe de Finlande, avec St Petersbourg. Dans le même temps, l'Empire étend progressivement son contrôle politique sur d'immenses territoires orientaux, à une échelle holarctique (le continent américain est également concerné). Aujourd'hui, avec le basculement du Monde vers le Pacifique, les autorités russes considèrent ce qui fut "l'extrême - orient russe" (de la République de Sakha au Nord à la Province Maritime du Primorye au Sud) à la fois comme un centre géopolitique et une vitrine nationale. C'est à Vladivostok que s'est tenue l'an dernier la réunion de l'APEC, le Primorye possède le plus grand et le plus complexe aquarium au Monde, et une base spatiale va être construite dans la région. Cette modernité, qui mettait en péril le tigre de Sibérie et son environnement au siècle dernier, le promeut désormais, ayant changé de visage et d'orientation.


CONTROVERSE DE SAMARKAND ET REGULATEUR EURASISTE. DANS LES TRACES DU TIGRE CASPIEN. Les mutations centre asiatiques depuis la fin de l'Union Soviétique tendent, pour l'heure, à une forte opposition tadjiko / ouzbèke avec le Kazakhstan et la Russie comme agents potentiels d'apaisement (de même, dans le Caucase méridional, la haine des Arméniens tend désormais, cette année, à faire office d'idéologie officielle en Azebaïdjan persophone). La question est culturelle au sens le plus profond du terme. Il s'agit de la revendication de l'héritage Timuride, et même Sogdien. Le Registan de Samarkand constitue, encore aujourd'hui, le plus vaste complexe religieux au Monde En 1924, les Tadjiks ont perdu le contrôle de Samarkand et Boukhara au profit des ouzbeks. Aujourd'hui encore, la communauté tadjik est majoritaire dans ces deux cités. Les fondateurs Sogdiens de Marakanda (l'ancêtre de Samarkand) venaient de Douchanbé à la poursuite d'une panthère... On trouve là encore, de façon explicite et radicalisée, l'opposition entre "sédentaires" et "nomades" (dans les représentations beaucoup plus que dans la réalité). A la recherche d'une identité nationale nettement marquée, les tadjiks marquent ostensiblement leur différence culturelle (seuls persophones parmi les républiques d'Asie centrale de la CEI, ils revendiquent l'héritage zoroastrien) et raciale (reprenant des thèses de l'époque soviétique, ils revendiquent leur Aryanité et Indo Européanité face aux "nomades turciques" (populations d'origine altaïque : dans les faits, kazakhs et kyrgyzs sont bien plus nomades que tadjiks et ouzbeks...). Voir pour le détail Marlène Laruelle. 2006. Des Sciences humaines fave au Pouvoir Politique. Le mythe aryen comme idéologie de la Nation au Tadjikistan. Pp 369 - 396, dans "Anthropologie et Histoire face aux légitimations politiques, vol. 104 / 105. Cette résurgence idéologique est comme un soleil fantôme du Parhélie du Voyage d'Hiver de Schubert,  avec une conception du tigre de Chir Dor (au sein du Registan) semblable à  celle de Kiev vis à vis du Simargl il y a 13 siècles. Or, si le félin figure l'étudiant avide d'apprendre (voir "Substantiation" du 14 février), il est aussi perçu, et avant tout, de l'Asie centrale sensu lato (jusquà la Chine centrale), comme le pâtre sanglant des herbivores, un nomade guerrier anhistorique, qui conduit son troupeau à travers les temps. L'Eurasisme, influent en Russie et plus encore au Kazakstan, qui en a fait son idéolodie officielle, est, a contrario, non racial et non religieux, et prône l'harmonie entre communautés au sein d'un territoire de vaste dimension et géopolitiquement central entre finistère extrême occidental de l'Eurasie d'une part, et monde américain de l'autre. La modernité révolutionnaire qui a détruit le tigre de la Caspienne et un tiers de la population kazakhe dans la première moitié du siècle dernier prend désormais un chemin différent. Au Kazakstan, les premières familles de tigres arriveront l'an prochain dans les roselières du lac Balkash, pionniers d'une réinstallation ultérieure à une échelle plus vaste (plusieurs centaines d'individus dans les décennies à venir).

Aube présente d'un nouveau Printemps, préfiguration d'une Aurore historiquement proche, et d'un Zénith plus lointain...

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14 février 2013 4 14 /02 /février /2013 07:47


Au Sagre Elfe*, Belette des mers,

Et à la Montagne de Jade** perlée,

Au vison feu et au Tigre rouge, flammes nivales,

Au Grand Chemin vivant de fleurs des Sarakayu,

A la Mandchourite et l'Oenigmatite,

Au Gai Savoir*** Etre et Renaître

Dont la brûlante Lumière irradie à Jamais.


* Le plus petit requin connu : il tient dans la paume de la main.

** Le requin baleine, ainsi dénommé à Taï Wan.

*** Le tigre poursuivant la biche blanche sur la Madrasah Chir - Dor du Reghistan de Samarkand figure l'étudiant assoiffé de connaissance. Comme l'était déjà, 500 ans plus tôt et sous d'autres cieux, Héloïse d'Argenteuil. Réputée, aussi, pour sa voix d'or et son sens musical. Quand les tigres étaient en Europe, sous toutes acceptions.



Tigre et biche. Chir Dor, érection 1619 - 1636.



Eugène Delacroix. Femme indienne déchirée par les tigres.


Lounging +Siberian+Tiger+Pair


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  • : Le retour du tigre en Europe: le blog d'Alain Sennepin
  • : Les tigres et autres grands félins sauvages ont vécu en Europe pendant la période historique.Leur retour prochain est une nécessité politique et civilisationnelle.
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