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7 avril 2012 6 07 /04 /avril /2012 10:08


What the Central government failed to achieve in years, the Supreme Court did with a single stroke. On Tuesday, the apex court asked all state governments to notify core and buffer zones in 41 tiger reserves, over 600 wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in the next three months.

The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, mandated every state to notify core and buffer zone in each wildlife area. Despite the specific clause in the law, the state governments had refused to implement it for political and socio-economic reasons.

India’s tiger state Madhya Pradesh had refused to notify the buffer or peripheral zone in Panna tiger reserve citing political constraint. State chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had gone on record against notification of buffer zones and local BJP leaders have threatened agitation if the buffer --- home for diamond mining --- is demarcated.

In Rajasthan, the buffer in both Sariska and Ramthambore has not been notified as number of resorts and state highways fall in the buffer zone. Similar is the case with Dudhwa tiger reserve in Uttar Pradesh and Sahyadari in Maharashtra.

Of the 41 tiger reserves in India, 15 have not notified the buffer area. Except, Valmiki tiger reserve in Bihar, all others tiger reserves have notified a core-critical or inviolate (safe tiger areas) tiger areas. An area of 800-1,000 sq km should be core area and remaining forest land should be notified as buffer. 

According to National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), mining or industrial activity is debarred in buffer zones. Only restricted tourism is allowed, an official said. The court’s order could have huge implications as there could be new restrictions on commercial activity in the buffer.

Once all tiger reserves notify core and buffer zones, the government plans to ban tourism in the core areas on the ground that human disturbance leads to inbreeding. “Entire tourism would be restricted to the buffer,” an official said. The NTCA has already issued guidelines on allowing tiger safari in buffer zones.

The NTCA has constituted a committee of experts on tourism in tiger reserve which is expected to submit its report by March 17. The committee is examining environment ministry’s draft guideline which proposes to impose 30 % tax on tiger tourism and provide for sustainable tourism.

The Supreme Court had sought tiger tourism guidelines once the committee submits its report and is expected to issues directions on tourism in and around tiger reserves.

The court’s order came on an innocuous petition, where Right To Information activist Ajay Dubey, had challenged the decision of the Madhya Pradesh high court not to ban tourism activity inside core areas of tiger reserves in the state. The NTCA had supported Dubey’s petition.

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7 avril 2012 6 07 /04 /avril /2012 09:53


BEIJING - Responding to international calls to shut tiger farms in China, a forestry official said a drop in the wild tiger population is not related to the farms.

Yin Hong, deputy director of the State Forestry Administration, made the remarks on Friday, although some tiger farms in China have been caught illegally selling tiger products for medical or decorative uses from time to time.

China is still among several countries, including Thailand, where tiger farms are legal, though a domestic trade ban on tiger products was issued in 1993. Now the country has 12 farms breeding more than 6,500 tigers.

The farms were formed earlier than the ban, which makes the tigers the farm owners' private belongings, she said.

Confirming the existence of illegal trading tiger products such as bones in China, she said that her administration has limited power in regulating the tiger farms.

"We need further cooperation from the local industry and business bureaus," she said.

At least 11 Siberian tigers have starved to death in the past three months at a northeastern wildlife zoo that was closed for disciplinary reform after a violent tiger assault last year, the China News Agency reported on Friday.

Industry insiders said the care and feeding of the tigers are expensive. At the same time, the owners will profit from the tigers' deaths, keeping the animals' bodies in the freezer for eventual trade in the black market.

"Tiger farming somewhat stimulates illegal trade and consumption," said Xu Hongfa, director of the World Wild Life's China program.

Tiger parts, particularly the bones, are illegally traded worldwide, he said.

Many international animal protection advocacy groups blame traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for the decrease in the tiger population in the wild, which now stands at 3,200 worldwide.

Tiger bones are used to treat arthritis and other joint ailments in TCM, which utilizes approximately 1,000 plant and 36 animal species, including rhinoceros, black bear, and musk deer.

"That's a misunderstanding as TCM has abandoned the use of endangered species parts like tiger bones since 1993," said Huang Jianyin, deputy secretary-general with the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Society, a non governmental organization based in Beijing.

The society issued a public call on Friday afternoon, asking TCM practitioners at home and abroad to stop using any endangered species, plants and animals alike.

"Without tiger bones, arthritis can still be treated by other TCM remedies," said Professor Li Feng with the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. "Besides promising substitutes, like the bone of the wild mole rat, have been used already."

Some, however, thought otherwise.

Yao Naili, a TCM expert, and also a CPPCC member, said that in TCM, tiger bones have proven efficacy, so it might be OK to trade tiger parts from naturally deceased tigers on the farms for medical use.

"But it has to be operated under stringent regulation and supervision," he said.

Internationally, some echoed the idea of easing the trade ban on farmed tigers who die naturally.

In response, Xu argued that doing this would actually encourage the demand in tiger products and would definitely bring wild tigers closer to extinction.

"It would also undermine the country's constant efforts in saving the endangered species," Yin said.

Last December, the State Forestry Administration carried out a new crackdown on the illegal trade of tiger parts. A fund was established in 2008 by the central government to compensate farmers' economic losses caused by the endangered animals including tigers.

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7 avril 2012 6 07 /04 /avril /2012 09:35


The upcoming Red Book list on endangered species features two noticeable absences — the Amur tiger and the gray whale.

Other changes in store for Russia’s Red Book, which is updated every 10 years, include the coordination of its data with the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List and a more objective approach, Izvestia reported.

The Red Book is coordinated by the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, which acknowledged that the previous list included many animals that didn’t belong.

Work on the book won’t be completed until November, but among the animals that may leave the list is the black crane, the Amur tiger and the gray whale.

The decision is a result of both an increase in the species’ numbers and new standards for including animals that come as a result of merging the Russian and IUCN standards.

Valentin Ilyashenko, who is leading the project, said the number of Amur tigers, also known as Siberian tigers, has remained stable for about 15 years and that the big cats are even beginning to expand their territory.

Gray whales, a group of which have a migration route near Russia’s Pacific coast, have made an even more dramatic recovery, with numbers increasing to an estimated 30,000 worldwide from a low of 2,000.

Ilyashenko cautioned, however, that removing species from the list may pose new dangers for the animals. In the case of the gray whale, the responsibility for its preservation would shift from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry to the Federal Fisheries Agency, which he said may decide to allow the animals to be hunted.


Cette décision est envisagée après le recensement des tigres de l'Amour effectué cet hiver. Les résultats officiels seront publiés dans le courant de ce mois. Les effectifs sont d'ores et déjà considérés comme stables par les écologues, et l'objectif de 600 individus pour 2022 est jugé parfaitement réalisable (Voix de la Russie du 19 mars).

"Les tigres de Sibérie ou les tigres d'Amour ont été recensés à l'Extrême Orient de la Russie. Le nombre exact des tigres sera révélé en avril. Selon les estimations, ils sont entre 450 et 500 d'individus dans cette région. Il n'y a pas de diminution de la population c'est-à-dire que les mesures destinées à protéger cette sous-espèce ont porté leurs fruits.

Le recensement des tigres se fait traditionnellement en hiver en observant des traces laissés. Seize zones avec presque 250 itinéraires ont été déterminées afin de faire le recensement. Les recensements précédents des tigres de Sibérie en Primorie et dans le territoire de Khabarovsk ont donné presque les mêmes chiffres, entre 450 et 500 d'individus.

Augmenter la population des tigres de Sibérie jusqu'à 600 individus d'ici à 2022, est tout à fait possible, affirme le biologiste russe Valery Schmounk de la Société Géographique Russe. C'est un nombre optimal pour la population de cette sous-espèce peuplant la taïga russe.

« La population du tigre qui est un animal carnivore, ne doit pas être trop importante. Le nombre d'individus existant aujourd'hui est en fonction de la capacité du milieu de vie à nourrir un tel ou tel nombre des paridigitidés et donc des tigres qui en mangent ».


Dans le calcul des limites de la population maximale des tigres il est tenu compte des « questions de logements » : un mâle adulte a besoin d'un territoire s'étendant sur presque 1 400 m².

Dans la taïga le tigre chasse principalement dans les forêts de cèdres et de chênes. Si auparavant ces forêts ont fait l'objet de coupes quasiment incontrôlées, aujourd'hui leur destruction barbare est stoppée. Cela veut dire que les tigres pourront se cacher des braconniers et avoir plus de nourriture, explique Iouri Darman, président du bureau du Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF) à l'Extrême Orient.

« Nos études ont révélé que la coupe commerciale des cèdres à l'Extrême Orient avait été enrayée l'année dernière. La taïga est donc devenue moins dangereuse pour le tigre. L'année dernière il y avait beaucoup de pignons ce qui veut dire que les sangliers avaient de quoi se nourrir. Nous attendons donc une augmentation de la population des tigres ».

Une autre mesure importante pour protéger cette espèce est la création de parcs nationaux. Il y en a, d'ailleurs, un qui est en train d'être créé au sud-ouest du Primorie, poursuit Iouri Darman.

« Deux parcs existent déjà dans cette zone et nous sommes en train de créer sur leur base un parc national plus grand, Zemlya Léopardov (Terre des Léopards). Il s'étendra sur presque 70 kms le long de la frontière chinoise ».

En avril nous connaîtrons le nombre exact de la population des tigres de Sibérie dans la taïga russe. Il n'y aura pas de mauvaises surprises, sont convaincus les écologues. Mais dès aujourd'hui nous pouvons affirmer que les effectifs sont stables."
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5 avril 2012 4 05 /04 /avril /2012 19:16


Après avoir déclaré, le 26 mars dernier, que la Russie était toujours "l'ennemi géopolitique numéro un des Etats - Unis", le candidat républicain Mitt Romney a enfoncé le clou  dans une tribune publiée il y a quelques jours par le magazine Foreign Policy. Cet homme, présenté comme "modéré" (?!), a désormais les meilleures chances d'affronter Barak Obama lors des élections présidentielles de Novembre prochain. Il prône notamment une hausse vertigineuse du budget de la défense américain.

Un retour au calme s'impose. Quand l'Amérique, ce qui est malheureusement très fréquent, s'inscrit dans ce type de logique, les choses tournent toujours de la même manière.

A titre d'exemple, voir "An american slaughter" publié sur ce blog le 20 Octobre 2011.

OhioDeadanimals 295

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4 avril 2012 3 04 /04 /avril /2012 04:23

INFOS "INDE", 1er trimestre 2012.

Le dernier numéro de TRAFFIC TIGER (Inde + Sud Est asiatique).

Un paradis pour tigres à la croisée des chemins : perspective vers le pire ... ou le meilleur.

Un projet de barrage qui met en danger les dauphins du Gange et leur environnement : l'Inde et la Chine n'ayant pas trouvé d'accord à ce jour sur la délimitation de leurs eaux territoriales, l'Inde construit 3 barrages dans les zones contestées pour faire valoir son droit de "premier utilisateur"

Et d'autres News.

Voir le détail sur le site de Nirmal Gosh

Indian jungles.com


accessible à partir de la rubrique "partenaires" de

4 continents pour les tigres

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2 avril 2012 1 02 /04 /avril /2012 07:53



  • Le rapport de 250 pages porte sur l'idée d'une zone de libre-échange entre l'UE et la Russie.

    La complémentarité, telle est l'idée maîtresse qui traverse le rapport de 250 pages «Pour un espace économique eurorusse» que Jean-Pierre Thomas a remis jeudi 29 mars à l'Élysée. Nicolas Sarkozy avait confié une mission, par une lettre du 17 janvier 2011, à l'ancien député devenu associé gérant de la banque Lazard pour faire avancer l'idée d'une zone de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne (UE) et la Russie, évoquée lors du sommet d'Évian de 2008 avec Dmitri Medvedev.

    Le constat sur la Russie est connu: une économie trop dépendante des matières premières ; une démographie déclinante, un climat d'investissement difficile notamment du fait de la corruption.

    Jean-Pierre Thomas n'esquive pas les handicaps russes mais préfère mettre l'accent sur les immenses besoins de ce pays grand comme 31 fois la France en matière d'infrastructures, d'efficacité énergétique, de logement ou de santé.

  •  Face à une Europe malade de sa dette, se dresse une Russie forte de 500 milliards de dollars de réserve de change. «Il y a une vraie complémentarité à jouer avec l'Europe, plaide l'auteur du rapport, qui voit dans l'ouverture d'une zone de libre-échange avec la Russie «un relais de croissance» pour une UE anémiée.

    Ignorer la Russie l'inciterait, lit-on dans le rapport, «à développer ses alliances avec l'Orient, avec la Chine voire avec les États-Unis dans le cadre d'une coalition antichinoise».

    Les opportunités des privatisations russes

    À plus court terme, le programme de privatisations lancé par l'État russe offre des opportunités aux entreprises européennes, et françaises. Les capitaux des sociétés publiques ouvertes aux investisseurs privés représentent 11 milliards d'euros, soit près de 1 % du PIB russe tandis que le secteur public pèse encore 40 % du PIB selon Moscou.

    Les investissements croisés au sein de l'UE et de la Russie ne pourront se développer que si les entraves aux capitaux russes sont levées, plaide encore le rapport. La crainte du blanchiment a rendu l'Europe méfiante à l'égard des investisseurs russes. Jean-Pierre Thomas souligne que le système bancaire russe s'est largement modernisé et que les ambitions de place financière internationale que caresse Moscou stimulent la mise aux normes internationales.

    Pour accélérer les négociations entre l'UE et la Russie sur un accord de partenariat et de coopération dont le but officiel est une zone de libre-échange, Jean-Pierre Thomas suggère que Paris et Berlin soient les moteurs d'un nouveau traité comportant «un calendrier de levée des freins aux échanges».

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26 mars 2012 1 26 /03 /mars /2012 17:27

MORT, A 45 ANS, D'UN HOMME HONNÊTE ET COURAGEUX.(Source : WWF Russia, ce jour).

The team Amur branch of WWF (WWF) mourns the untimely death of a friend and colleague Gennady Nikolayevich Zherebkina (1967-2012)

As a result of rapidly developing the disease went away from us the indispensable employee, an invaluable friend and positive person.  His life was cut short on the fly, at the moment of peak strength and bulk plans.

Upon his retirement after eight years of inter-district public prosecutor of the Maritime Environmental Prosecutor's Office, Gennady decided to implement the inherent heightened sense of justice, applying their knowledge and experience at the World Wildlife Fund.

Since his arrival as a coordinator for Legal Support Project, much has changed.  Forensic examination carried out by employees of stock in cases involving violations of environmental law, went to a new level and become irrefutable evidence in court. A unit in the past convictions for the murder of the Red animals were gradually becoming the norm.

"This is not about the severity, but the inevitability of punishment for crime.  It is up to the execution of this principle of justice and directly dependent decrease in the number of crimes, including - against nature.  Criminals must know that sooner or later they will inevitably catch up with the punishment for their deeds "- he used to say.

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26 mars 2012 1 26 /03 /mars /2012 05:16


March 24, Vladimir Miklushevsky went to Khasan District, where he met with representatives of the administration of the reserve "Cedar Pad", Amur branch of WWF, the Emergencies Ministry, the Office of Hunting and Forestry

The reason for the trip were fires in the reserve "Leopard," the glow which so excited the inhabitants of Vladivostok, but due to extensive media coverage attracted the attention of the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Yuri Trutnev.

On the situation with the fires governor recounted Sergei Khokhryakov, director of Cedar Pad Reserve, in the operational management of the Federal Reserve and the "Leopard." It is the inspectors of the PA came the main burden of sleepless nights.  Discussed in the first place, the question of coordination of disparate forces, the area of ​​responsibility of different organizations, landowners and land users. Mr Putin familiarized with plans to mobilize government and public fire brigades, the scheme of mineralized bands, fire detection system.

Particularly interested in the Governor's successful experience with webcams constant surveillance by the World Wildlife Fund with the support of MTS on the cellular tower on the southern boundary of the reserve  "Leopard", the information which comes on duty Emergency Khasan district.  WWF proposed to install 3 more projects such cameras, but it requires coordination with the telephone companies and the solution to the issue of payment of the traffic image transmission.

The meeting also discussed the construction of the tunnel Narvinskogo designed to serve not only the solution of transport problems, but also provide migration corridor for wildlife, including leopard and tiger. Chapter Khasan district Naryzhny Alexander raised the issue of establishing a national park, Mr Miklushevsky gave a balanced assessment of the situation, urging consider an economic development strategy for "Earth, leopard," taking into account both national objectives and interests of local people.

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26 mars 2012 1 26 /03 /mars /2012 04:55


La première abrite les plus grands saumons au monde ; le film Dersou Ouzala, de Akira Kurosawa 1984, tiré du livre de Vladimir Arseniev, fut tourné sur les rives du second.

Presentation of the book "The projected cross-border specially protected natural area" Sources of Cupid "and the booklet" The Russian-Chinese nature reserve "Lake Khanka," published with support from WWF, held in Chita and Vladivostok.

"Cupid - not only the great river ecosystem, but also one of the three largest rivers in the world, still unregulated in the main channel. Cupid - transboundary basin.  The successful cooperation between Russia, China and Mongolia in the conservation of protected areas allows us to hope that we will be able to maintain high biological diversity for our children "- says the new edition, Svetlana Titova, PA Coordinator of WWF Russia Amur branch.

 Where the great Amur River is born? The origins of the Amur River begin in Khentei mountainous country.  The famous Onon River originates from Khan Khentei Reserve in Mongolia, and its principal tributaries - the territory Sohondinskogo reserve in Russia. They fall into the Onon already in the Mongolian National Park  "Onon-Baldzh", which was then Onon turns to Russia.  Here, under a mountain Sokhondo, formed the largest pool, the other component of the Amur - Ingoda River. Further, in the Trans-Baikal region merges with the Onon Ingoda Shilka and forms, which, mingling with the Argun, Amur forms.

Thus, there is a joint border area, where the generated sources of the Amur, owned by the two states.  And the best part of the basin is under the protection of specially protected areas (PAs) in Mongolia, and Russia.

Because of its uniqueness, this site is quite vulnerable, so the idea of ​​creating cross-border protected areas  "Sources of Cupid," which will bring together the Russian Reserve  "Sohondinsky 'and Reserve  "Mountain steppe" with the Mongolian reserve "Khan Khentei" and a national park "Onon-Baldzh."  This will provide comprehensive protection of ecosystems of the Upper Amur region and will enable the joint study of the region.

Health, even the largest river depends on the small rivers, which originate from its origins.  The two countries are negotiating on that river basins, giving rise to the Amur, to be commanded.  They must be saved from deforestation, fires, mining of placer gold and the construction of hydropower plants.  Then the people living downstream for more than 4 thousand kilometers, will be drinking clean water, to farm in the valley and live comfortably.  And the 120 species of fish inhabiting the river, and 400-m bird species of the Amur basin will not have to fight for survival.

The book is about a proposed transboundary protected area is equipped with a large number of maps and charts that tell about the current state of flora and fauna of the Upper Amur, illustrated by beautiful photographs. Complements the information film  "Sources of Cupid" shot studio  "The Call of the taiga" commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). 

And in the south-west Primorye Khanka lowland stretches in the center of which sparkles with blue pearl Lake Khanka.  River flows from Lake Sungacha, it flows into the Ussuri River, which is a right-bank tributary of the Amur. "Lake Khanka" - cross-border nature reserve, which combined in 1996 Khanka Nature Reserve on the Russian side and the Reserve "Shinkai-hoo" from China.  Wetlands of Lake Khanka Ramsar given the status of their unique natural environment.  It noted 352 species of birds, of which 49 included in the Red Book of Russia, and 46 species - the Red Book of China. The new booklet  "Russian-Chinese Nature Reserve  "Lake Khanka" tells about the interaction of cross-border protected area specialists, achievements and problems. "Lake Khanka," shot to the 20th anniversary of the Khanka Nature Reserve, introduces the inhabitants of the lake and its surroundings, that swim, run, fly, and are delighted the audience an amazing mosaic of nature.

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 05:28

L'orphelin récupéré le 25 février dans le Sud Ouest du Primorye en mauvais état, qui semblait en bonne voie de rétablissement au début de ce mois (voir pages blog des 27 février et 5 mars, et le site gouvernemental


du 16 mars) est mort. Source : WWF Russia, ce jour.

Voir aussi l'article du Phoenix Fund du 26 mars


Tiger lives fighting to the last
March 17 members of the Office of hunting supervision of Primorye was detected 5.6 months tiger - striped brother tigress rescued in February. Unfortunately, despite the range of activities undertaken through the night he died.

This story happened in the south-west Primorye.  February 25, 2012 in the hunting "Borisov" has been found extremely emaciated cub - a female Siberian tiger at the age of 4-5 months.  Despite the unfavorable weather, the assistance provided by staff of the Office time hunting and veterinary supervision of the Maritime State Academy of Agriculture (PGSKHA), has helped rejuvenate the beast, much to put on weight and get in the physiological norm.  Played its role and operational support for financial supporters of WWF Russia.

Trying to unravel the taiga is the incident for almost a month a group of employees of the Office of hunting supervision led search for traces of mother-tigress and the second cub.  The inspectors have reason to believe that he exists.  According to the first phase of the monitoring of the Amur tiger, which was conducted by the Office in December 2011, in the immediate vicinity of the places where they found a striped orphan, were marked by traces of females with two cubs.  Given that at this early age are certainly a number of cubs with a female, by the Office of the employees organized an operation to search for the tiger family.

In late February, during the second phase of monitoring, on the same route was marked by the trace of tiger.  Version was confirmed, but the lack of snow prevented vytropit beast. More than two weeks spent on the search for new tracks.  Specialists of the Office of hunting supervision persistently returned to the route, knowing that every day is melting hope to find an animal alive.  Only in the tenth week of March they were able to rediscover a long-awaited track to begin tropleniyu and, after several days of work, to see, finally, the red-black stripes. Unlike her sister, do not become waste residues vitality to resist the people, the boy tried to run away, growled and was given into the hand. The essence of a wild animal got the upper hand, taking from the end of a long harried walk in the woods cub last effort, so it needs for quite another - to fight for life ...

Already almost certainly can be argued that the mother tiger cubs died from a bullet of a poacher.  Troplenie traces showed that foundling did not stop trying to find his mother, repeatedly exploring the territory where it was discovered by his sister, and early winter there were traces of their family friendly - says program coordinator of WWF Russia Amur branch biodiversity expert Sergey Aramilev party. - In this age of cubs are not able to earn their own livelihood in a winter forest.  But our hero tried his best.  The nature of injuries on the head tiger leads to the conclusion that he had taken refuge and began to badger digging, he was able to get to the food of salvation, but he could not defeat him.  Badger seriously injured Tiger Cub bitten through the nose and gums, causing inflammation of the oral cavity. Struggling for life, he ate the remains found rotten skins of ungulates and woody mushrooms, which, of course, did not add him strength. "

Caught in a forest animal was quickly taken by the inspectors hunting supervision in a warm room, and he was given a qualified veterinary care specialists PGSKHA.  But, despite these measures, as shown by the autopsy, conducted by veterinarians, agricultural experts from academia and WWF-Russia, the cub because of the strong exhaustion and hypothermia have begun irreversible processes that led to the termination of the individual body systems and, consequently, to the death of the animal.

"It is worth noting Office of hunting supervision that do not give up and continued to investigate the situation to end. The forest is very difficult to even find a lost person, not to mention the cub, whose move defies logic.  Like last time, in spite of the weekend, Tiger was captured without causing him injury, and promptly moved to the point of care.  Unfortunately, the body has already begun irreversible processes, and he could not help anything, but this became known only after the autopsy.  Each of the staff of the Office who participated in this study, perceived loss of personal tragedy as a cub, - Sergey continues Aramilev. - We hope that created the Office of hunting supervision of Primorsky Krai group to resolve the conflict with the tiger and other large predators, and a similar her in the Khabarovsk Territory, finally have a decent public funding. Existing subsidies are not enough even for fuel, not to mention everything else "

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  • : Le retour du tigre en Europe: le blog d'Alain Sennepin
  • : Les tigres et autres grands félins sauvages ont vécu en Europe pendant la période historique.Leur retour prochain est une nécessité politique et civilisationnelle.
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